DATE: 12th – 18th February 2024
LOCATION: Rome, Italy
The GATHERS SuperEvent in Rome showcased remarkable collaboration and innovation in geoscience and remote sensing. Hosted by Sapienza Università di Roma with support from UPWr, TU Delft, and TU Wien, it brought together researchers, students, and industry professionals from Europe. Held from February 12th to 18th, 2024, it provided a dynamic platform for learning and exchange
Experts in LIDAR, InSAR, and GNSS guided participants through a diverse range of activities, including theoretical classes and hands-on training sessions. These activities aimed to deepen participants’ grasp and utilization of advanced techniques in geoscience and remote sensing.
The SuperEvent commenced with a Workshop Day featuring speeches by esteemed academics and industry experts. Prof. Dr. Eng. Carlo Massimo Casciola, Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, extended a warm welcome to guests and participants.
The workshop comprised two main segments: ‘Career Development:
- GATHERS Examples,’ where alumni shared their internship experiences, and ‘Invited Talks’ featuring distinguished speakers like Prof. Katharina Anders from TU Munich, Prof. Eugenio Carminati from Sapienza University of Rome, and Dr. Roberto Devoti and Dr. Simone Atzori from INGV.
- Industry representatives from GRed, ASI, e-GEOS, Latitudo40, and Planetek also presented, fostering interaction between academia and industry.
The day concluded with Scientific Speed Dating, allowing participants to showcase their research activities.
Discipline sessions provided valuable insights into InSAR, LiDAR, and GNSS seismology, complemented by lectures and hands-on training. Students formed diverse teams during tutorials and completed assignments on various topics, culminating in presentations on the final day.
Summer School Impressions: