meet-up to engage in collaborative computer programming for 48 hoursOne Hackathon has been organized by TU Wien in Vienna, Austria on 13th – 14th April 2023.
The second Hackathon has been taking place in Italy right after the training school in February 2024.
held in combination with hackathon, roadshow or schoolAll the workshop have been organised to solve a specific problem and strengthen the Field and Consortium. They have been held in Poland, Austria and Italy.
Summer Schools
Therefore, a total of 3 Summer/Winter Schools have been carried out and were aimed at solving a specific problem.
The 1st Summer School has been held in Poland on 19th to 24th of September 2022!
The 2nd one has been held in the Netherlands 28th August to 1st September 2023 and
the 3rd one was organised in Italy in February 2024.
Trainings about Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar- 1 training every year with a duration of 1 month each of them by UPWr’s Experienced researchers in TU Delft about InSAR.
- 3 Early stage researcher visits of 3 months each in TU Delft about InSAR.
- 2 Master student (MSc) visits of 1 month each in TU Delft about InSAR.
Trainings about Light Detection and Ranging- 3 short visits of 1 month each performed by UPWr’s Experienced researchers (ER) in TU Wien about LiDAR.
- 3 Early stage researcher (ESR) visits of 3 months each are planned in TU Wien about LiDAR.
- 2 Master student (MSc) visits of 1 month each are planned in TU Wien about LiDAR.
More Information available NOW!
GNSS - Seismology
Trainings about Global Navigation Satellite System- 3 short visits of 1 month each performed by UPWr’s Experienced researchers in Sapienza University of Rome about GNSS seismology.
- 3 Early stage researcher (ESR) visits of 3 months each are planned in TU Wien about GNSS seismology.
- 2 Master student (MSc) visits of 1 month each are planned in TU Wien about GNSS seismology.
More Information available NOW!