Recently, two events from the “Gathers Roadshow” series were organised at the Institute of geodesy and Geoinformatics (IGIG), Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr). These classes aimed to introduce young scholars to the subject of Earth observation research. This time we focused on the impact of natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions, as well as those related to human activity, like underground extraction of raw materials. The classes were conducted by IGiG specialists in the field of HR-GNSS and InSAR: Dr. Eng. Iwona Kudłacik and MSc. Eng. Natalia Wielgocka.
Observations of the Earth’s phenomena can be made using point techniques, such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and surface techniques, such as Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). These techniques can be applied in infrastructure monitoring, spatial planning, environmental engineering, rescue and crisis management, and monument protection. Participants in the GATHERS Roadshows learned the basics of using high-rate GNSS (HR-GNSS) and InSAR techniques to monitor changes in the position of points. They also were guided in interpreting some examples by analysing the changes in the position of these points over time. The classes were interactive, so participants could constantly check their understanding of the presented issues in online quizzes.
The first classes took place on April 25 and were organised on the occasion of the XL Assembly of Student Science Clubs hosted by UPWr. The participants of the course were people presenting their work during a geodetic session of the event, also students from UPWr and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.